Falls Prevention in Fernie BC
Falls Prevention Program in Fernie BC
Fall-related injuries are a leading cause of hospitalization, and can lead to the lack of independence. An estimated 20–30% of community-dwelling Canadian adults aged 65 years or older experience one or more falls each year. Approximately 10% of falls among older adults result in a fracture.
Falls have been associated with reduced quality of life, and can lead to loss of function in activities of daily living. This has a large impact on independence and overall health.
What Does Falls Prevention Training Involve?
1) A Comprehensive Evaluation: We want to see all the factors influencing your balance. We then treat any underlying issues, or refer back to a doctor or specialist as required.
2) Strength Training: A huge part of Falls Prevention is improving your strength! Improving our muscles for fast movement and power is especially important.
3) Balance Training: Balance, Balance, Balance! We will perform all sorts of fun and interesting balance training together.
4) Gait Training: Identifying and correcting any issues with your walking pattern.
Screening for Falls Risk
Falls risk screening uses evidence-based outcome measures to determine risk. This includes assessing gait speed, balance and strength.
If you or someone you know is interested in a Falls Risk Assessment, please book in with Emily for an initial physiotherapy assessment.
If you have any questions please email info@ridgelinephysio.com for more information!